Invitational Cup 2012 at Bangalore : an indian heroin in the limelight !

09/03/2012 - Découvertes
An ancestral culture, a great economic superpower, a demographic giant. India is a world of its own, where the racing industry, originally from the english occupation, takes a huge part. Every year, early March, 5 federations of the country pick 3 of their best representatives to run in 4 races, just like finals, from the sprint to the marathon. It is Invitational Cup week end, held at Bangalore in 2012, in the south of the country. Super star oh the country, In The Spotlight has won the big race in front of 30 000 people packed in the stands under 40°C ! A warm atmosphere...


The winning team of In The Spotlight (Martin Dwyer) after the Invitational Cup 2012 at Bangalore.

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